All Stage


These active deals match one or more of the preferences you've set in your investor profile

These deals have moved through the dealflow process and are nearing a close.

The following deals are currently active in our pipeline with the newest deals at the top. This list does not include deals on which you've expressed negative interest

You have expressed positive interest in the following active deals created in the last month

These deals are part of companies with industries which overlap your chosen industries.


My Fundraising

Ask your network...

Your investors and others in your network are often looking for ways to support the business. Leverage your network as you fundraise, build your business, and grow the team.
Created Ask

Investor Groupings

Investor groupings are ad hoc labels that can be used to roll-up 1 or more of your invited investors.
These investor groupings allow you to more tightly manage access to your deal material

Investor grouping list
Setup Investor grouping mapping
Investor Grouping Investor Creation Date Delete
Investor Investor Grouping Creation Date Delete


Showcase is a hub for a founders to more closely engage with investors, during fundraising and beyond.
The product empowers founders and investors to streamline the process, and collaborate, creating a win for both sides.


Free to all founders!

Deal detail
Video intro
Team bios
Invite teammates to deal
Invite investors to deal
Invite investment group to deal
Deal sharing by investors
Share deal with public
Share deal via QR code
Data room
Invitee asks
Data room analytics
Advanced data room permissions
AI-powered feedback summary
AI-generated diligence questions
Deal access analytics
Deal invitee notes/CRM
Notifications on new deal investors


Monthly Invoicing
Annual Invoicing
$150/yr ($12.50/mo)
Deal detail
Video intro
Team bios
Invite teammates to deal
Invite investors to deal
Invite investment group to deal
Deal sharing by investors
Share deal with public
Share deal via QR code
Data room
Invitee asks
Data room analytics
Advanced data room permissions
AI-powered feedback summary
AI-generated diligence questions
Deal access analytics
Deal invitee notes/CRM
Notifications on new deal investors
Subscription Period Amount Due Amount Paid Payment Date
Quick Vote

My Draft Deals

My Portfolio

Community Portfolio
Deal Team Date Amount Count Avg Investors

Member Similarities

Deal Status

Deal Screening

The screening committee screens deals to determine if the opportunity should enter the dealflow.

Please provide your recommendation if this deal is appropriate for the group. If it enters the dealflow, you'll have an opportunity to express your own level of interest in the deal.

Company Attributes

2 Applies for this company
2 Does not apply for this company
2 Unknown for this company
Number of founders
Solo founder?
Has trans founder?
All trans founders?
Has female founder?
All female founders?
Has male founder?
All male founders?
Has founder w/o college degree?
Has BIPOC founder?
All BIPOC founders?
Has veteran founder?
All veteran founders?
Has disabled founder?
All disabled founders?
Has first-time founder?
All first-time founders?

Showcase Coupons

Coupon Code
Month duration
Expiration Date

Deal Analytics
Please view this section on a non-mobile screen

Monthly Activity

Investment Count Histogram

This chart shows the distribution of investment activity. Our members have participated in a varying number of deals and this chart allows us to review how many members have made many or few investments.

Stats by Year
Year Total Deals % of Deals Funded Deals Funding Rate Funding Amount % Total Funding Avg Deal Size Avg Days to Close Voting Feedback
Stats by team makeup
Attribute Total Deals % of Deals Funded Deals Funding Rate Funding Amount % Total Funding Avg Deal Size Avg Days to Close Voting Feedback

Stats by Industry
Industry Total Deals % of Deals Funded Deals Funding Rate Funding Amount % Total Funding Avg Deal Size Avg Days to Close Voting Feedback

Stats by Valuation Cap
Valuation Cap Total Deals % of Deals Funded Deals Funding Rate Funding Amount % Total Funding Avg Deal Size Avg Days to Close Voting Feedback
This report does not distinguish between pre-money and post-money valuation caps

Stats by Quarter
Quarter Total Deals % of Deals Funded Deals Funding Rate Funding Amount % Total Funding Avg Deal Size Avg Days to Close Voting Feedback
Tax Preview
The analysis below are indications of anticipated tax events for deals based on various factors (i.e. investment date, instrument type, exit date)
K1 expected in tax year
K1 not expected in tax year

Deal Instrument Org Type Investment Amount

Deal Instrument Org Type Investment Amount

DISCLAIMER: All Stage, Inc. and its affiliates do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This has been prepared based on facts provided by the investment group, is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. Tax law is subject to continual change, at times on a retroactive basis, and may result in incremental taxes, interest or penalties. Should the facts provided by you be incorrect or incomplete or should the law or its interpretation change, the analysis may be inappropriate. All Stage, Inc. is not responsible for updating our analysis for changes in law or interpretation after the date hereof. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before making decisions regarding your tax filing obligations.
Investor Pipeline

Pronoun boxes here

Join month boxes here

Location boxes here

Referrer boxes here

Expertise boxes here

Industry boxes here
Group Members

User User Type Investments Commitments Votes

User User Type Start End
Cross-customer Tools
total platform users
Customer ID Name Type Email Activity Join Date
total platform deals
Customer Company Deal ID Deal Activity Submission Date
Customer API Key Member Invitation Link Deal Creation Link
Workspace Member Investors Invited Investors Founders Admins Pronoun e Last Updated
Customer Deal submission Voting Deal feedback Commitments Member portfolio Group portfolio Member listing Member following Founder Q&A Founder sharing Allow data download Investor inviting Investment group sharing Highlight new members Show negative votes Investor names Voting activity Feedback activity Commitment activity Investment activity Include example deals Last Modified


Member Comparison
Workspace Messaging
Messaging will appear on all users' dashboards, alongside any user-specific messaging

Created Title Message Expiration Date
Deal Pitch Scheduling
This page is a read-out on the pitch dates/times set for deals within this workspace

Upcoming Pitches
Deal Pitch Date
Past Pitches
Deal Pitch Date
Activity Analytics

Pulling a lot of data, be patient!

Ops team tools

Invite New Member
New Member Invite URL

An alternative to inviting a new member with the tools above, you can directly provide the URL below.

User Activity

Votes by Member
Member Yes Maybe No Total Positive
Votes by Deal
Deal Yes Maybe No Total Positive

Portal Activity Log

Be patient...

Who Action Type What When
Member Payments
Portfolio Founders
Investment Company Deal Email
Company List
Company Deals Location Org Type Industries Team Social Contact Email
Custom Deal Feedback

Custom Industries

Custom Deal Questions

Deal Tags

Deal tags are ad hoc attributes that can be used to categorize deals for purporses of special handling, filtering and display within the product

Tag Deals
Investor Blocks

Investors blocked from a deal will not see any reference to that deal in the portal

Deal Blocked Investor Reason Block date Delete
Blocked Investor Deal Reason Block date Delete

Using Community

What is Community?

All Stage Community is a product for investment groups to manage the deal flow process from deal submission, screening, diligence and post-investment portfolio analytics. The product allows for collaboration amongst investors & founders, engagement with the deals, and analytics to as part of supporting successful investment groups.

Community is used by angel networks, accelerators and VC firms to enhance the way that the groups have operated to date. The 's Community can be accessed at

This article describes how a large angel network uses Community within its active 300-member group.

Deals overview

A "deal" is the most important concept within Community. A deal represents an investment opportunity from a company raising money.

A deal can have a range of information for review, including traction, investment round details, company information (social tags, location, industries, team demographics), team bios, data room

Community allows an investment group to opt into enabling engagement features, allowing for members to do things like vote, provide feedback, ask questions of the founder, commit to invest.

Deal submission

Deals become part of an investment group's deal flow through being entered by the founder, or by a member of the group. The information about these deals can be reviewed by, and engaged with by members of the group.

Deals can be shared with by the company founder. Members of the group can sponsor a deal by providing the founder instructions from the Add Deal section of Community. Copy these instructions and send to the founder, who will be able to set up their deal in 5min and share it with the group

When the founder has shared the deal, the deal sponsor will be notified via email and a reminder will appear on the sponsor's dashboard to take next steps (review the deal for completeness, and provide their perspective for fellow members to see). Upon submission of the sponsor's perspective, the deal will be part of the dealflow for all members to review.

Reviewing deals

There are a number of ways for members to review deals in Community

  • The investor dashboard lists the active deals. You can view the deals awaiting your vote, the ones that overlap with the industries in your profile, the ones that overlap with your specfied deal preferences, etc.
  • Search for deals with the search box at the top of the screen
  • The deal list allows you to search/filter across all deals that have come through 's Community workspace.
  • The deal status section provides a view of all deals and their position in the deal flow
Deal engagement

Investors in Community can enter questions about the deal.

The founder(s) will be notified and can answer the question, which will be seen by all investors who have access to the deal.


Investors in Community save personal notes associated with the deal

These notes accessible only to you

Your account

You can manage your account and access information associated with your account

  • Manage your account settings
  • Review your user profile
  • Data room: Your user profile page include a personal data room to store files accessible only to you, and to the operations team

Community has a number of reports and analytics

  • Group portfolio reports on the investments made by during the time that the group has been using Community
  • My portfolio reports on the investments made by you within during the time that the group has been using Community
  • Analytics provides insights across various measurements within deals and other activity in 's Community
  • The Pulse section on the investor dashboard provides a quick view of the active deals on the activity on those deals
Other users

There are a number of ways for members to review deals in Community

  • Search for users with the search box at the top of the screen
  • The group members allows you to search/filter across all users associated with 's Community workspace.
  • You can click on users that are shown across Community to open their detail page
  • Users can control the visibility settings for their account, so you might not have permission to review certain attributes or activity for a given user
Deal leading

A deal can have 1 or more leads who are generally the point of contact between and the founder(s).

Deal leads may work with others at to make decisions on inviting the company to pitch, investing in the deal, and passing on the deal.

Deal leads can change the status of a deal (ex: moving a deal to "feedback" in order to allow for investors to leave feedback on the deal)

Deal leads are able to perform additional functions on the deal they are leading. The "tools" section of a deal allows for additional functionality

  • Outside investors: Investors who are not members of can be invited on a deal-by-deal basis. Deal leads can issue a deal-level invitation to 1 or more outside investors who will have access to just that deal and will not see any user names.
  • Contacting investors: Deal leads can message investors who have taken a certain action on the deal (ex: registered a commitment)
Contacting All Stage

If you have feedback, want to report a bug, wish to ask a question or reach out to All Stage for any reason you can...

Investor Updates
60 - 120 days
120 - 180 days
>= 180 days
Deal Last Update Investment Date Deal Lead
Deal Leading

Do you want to engage with entrepreneurs and fellow TBD members? Leading a deal involves helping shepherd a deal throughout its lifecycle from initial pitch meeting to the closing

  • Deal Lead Playbook: Detailed steps involved with leading a deal through the investment process
  • Deal Lead Quick Checklist: Quick set of steps for members experienced in leading deals
  • Deal Lead Training, May 21, 2021 (Pitch Video || Deck): The process team provides a full walk through of the deal process with Q&A. Recommended for anyone who has or might want to lead a deal
  • #tbd-deal-leads: Ask questions about the deal leading process in this dedicated Slack channel
  • Sample diligence questions: This includes some common questions. Feel free to use these as a baseline in your conversations with the founder. Suggest additional questions if you have some!
  • Diligence relating to the investment instrument: This document includes items to look out for and considerations in the investment docs (SAFE, Convertible Note)
  • Deal Memos
    • Deal memo template: Feel free to clone and use to prepare your deal memo
    • Example Deal Memos: Feel free to use any of these past deal memos as a template for the investment brief that you'll share with the membership
  • Outside investors: Our deals often include 1 or more investors who are not members of TBD Angels as part of an effort to increase the TBD participation in the deal, to include more value-add investors on the TBD investment, and/or to allow a founder's individual minor investors to be part of our SPV.
    • Deal leads can issue an invitation to the deal in our portal (Send invitations from the tools tab of the deal page)
    • Will have access to just that deal and will not have visibility to the names of TBD investors, but will be able to review the deal, access deal material, vote, provide feedback and make commitment
    • Must be accredited
    • Can live anywhere in the world
    • All investors on the SPV (TBD members and invitees) share the various SPV costs pro-rata (approx $4000 -- SPV platform fees, blue skies, etc) and up to 5% carry
Refer a Member

Do you know any angel investors passionate about collaborating with startups?

  • Criteria for members
    • Experience of operators / entrepreneurs / experienced industry professionals
    • Help TBD Angels meet one or both of our goals:
    • Collaborate within the group to create value through collaboration
    • Assist our portfolio companies as they build and scale their companies
    • Endeavor to invest in one or more companies each year
    • Must be accredited
  • Expectations of a member
    • Contribute and extract learnings with the group through participation
    • Informally be an external voice for the group
    • Be responsive to other TBD Angels & founders
    • Aim to invest in at least one deal per year
To refer a great candidate, complete this form to send information about ther referral to the ops team
Bluesky Fees

State Fee